Dear AMC,
Every day there isn't a new episode of Breaking Bad, I spiral into a self destructive depression and project my personal lack of life fulfillment onto my imaginary children by yelling at them. Please, think of my imaginary children, and make more Breaking Bad.
Sincerely, Dirtymeatball
P.S: If season 3 of The Walking Dead is already finished and you're just waiting so you can start showing it near Halloween for the sake of novelty, then fuck you guys. If it actually takes exactly a year to make each season, then keep doing what you're doing.
I want to watch breaking bad so bad because everybody says it's very good.
Fuck my soundless laptop...
It is actually the greatest thing to ever grace a television and you should just plug in headphones or something. Unless you actually mean for some reason your laptop is incapable of any form of sound output, in which case you should go buy a TV or computer just for Breaking Bad.