I want this school year to be over because next year i'm spending half of every day in a fancy new building at a college across the street from my school in graphic design class, but I can't completely zone out this year either because I have to learn to drive'n shit.
If only P.E. weren't mandatory sophomore year and they taught driver's ed freshman year instead, I could be taking the fuck out of graphic design right now. I think P.E. should only be mandatory if you're overweight, because that makes a hell of a lot more sense than making everybody miss 2 year's worth of useful electives in favor of playing kickball like 8 year-olds.
"Sorry Billy, instead of learning forensic science, you get to have us tell you how to pass a volleyball as if it's new information despite the fact that you've been having this same lesson every year since 3rd grade."
That .gif looks wrong. Also, be glad your school still has drivers ed. I had learn through the DMV.
Well that sounds appalling.