Well the BBS has gone to hell.
I'm sure i'll pop in here and there, but for the most part it has ceased to be interesting; more than likely due to most of the interesting users having left lately. Natick's correct in the sense that the gimmick accounts are running rampant, but even those are dwarfed by the amount of asinine arguments. That's not to say they're new; NG has been a breeding ground for idiots who believe their overzealous and angry arguments will change the opinions of equally stubborn and overzealous strangers located oceans away, but with so few good users making the site worth using, the cons are outweighing the pros here. Fingers crossed Newgrounds can eventually become as fun as it once was again. Auf Wiedersehen.
RIP Milobased.
Jester (Updated )
his tombstone will read "Goddamn, it must be 2 sides."